
Аватары и анимация на GIFr.ru

Скороговорки - это фразы,предложения или рифмовки, которые трудно произносить быстро, обычно потому, что они имеют последовательность почти одинаковых звуков.

A tongue-twister is a phrase, sentence or rhyme that is hard to speak fast, usually because they have a sequence of nearly similar sounds

1. Fat Pat had a fat cat,

Pat`s fat cat sat in Pat`s hat.

2. Romeo drank coacoa in Tokyo.

3. Three grey geese on three green hills.

Green were the hills , grey were the geese.

4. She sells seashells by the seashore.

The shells she sells are seashore shells.

5. Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you-

it only doubles trouble and trouble others too.

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