RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms

"A good education should leave much to be desired."
Alan Gregg

"The right to stupidity is one of the guarantees of free development of personality."
Mark Twain

BBC Grammar Test -Tenses

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RussianNationalExam - ЕГЭ

Раздел 1. Аудирование


Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1 – 6 и утверждениями, данными в списке AG. Используйте каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.
Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

She likes living the life of people of the country she is visiting.
Travelling helped her to become a different person.
She found out that the stereotypes she had about the country were wrong.
She enjoys doing sights in her own country.
She liked the relationships among people in the country she visited.
She did things she had never done at home.
She likes doing sights in other countries more than at home.


"A good education should leave much to be desired." Alan Gregg
"The right to stupidity is one of the guarantees of free development of personality." Mark Twain

Articles Test

Fill in a, an or the where necessary.
1. I’m looking for ____ job.
2. He must go to ____ bank to get some money.
3. Would you like ____ apple?
4. I’m going away at ____ end of this month.
5. He went to ____ prison to visit his brother.
6. Ann didn’t go to ____ work yesterday.

99+1 Ways for Teachers to Say “Very Good”

1.     You’re on the right track now!
2.     You’ve got it made.
3.     SUPER!
4.     That’s right!
5.     That’s good.
6.     You’re really working hard today.
7.     You are very good at that.
8.     That’s coming along nicely.
9.     GOOD WORK!


TONGUE  TWISTERS  -Скороговорки
Скороговорки - это фразы,предложения  или рифмовки, которые трудно произносить быстро, обычно потому, что они имеют последовательность почти одинаковых звуков.  
A tongue-twister is a phrase, sentence or rhyme that is hard to speak fast, usually because they have a sequence of nearly similar sounds

1. Fat Pat had a fat cat,
    Pat`s fat cat sat in Pat`s hat.

2. Romeo drank coacoa in Tokyo.

3. Three grey geese on three green hills.
     Green were the hills , grey were the geese.

4.  She sells seashells by the seashore.
     The shells she sells are seashore shells.

5. Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you-
     it only doubles trouble and trouble others too.
Сравнительные конструкции (Types of Comparisons)
Прилагательные и наречия употребляются в следующих сравнительные конструкциях:
a) as … (positive degree) … as - такой же … как / так же … как

e.g. The boy is as tall as my brother . He runs as fast as you do.
Is it as good as you expected ? She speaks French as well as the rest of us.

1)You can put ‘nearly’,’almost’, or ‘just’ in front of “as …. as”
~London is nearly as expensive as Tokyo.
~In summer,in Tokyo just as hot as the desert.

2) You can put ‘twice’,’ three times’,’ half’ in front of “as …. as”
twice as large as; three times as large as; twice as fast as ; twice as fast